HUBTEX reachtrucks

Hubtex reachtrucks worden ingezet als traditionele reachtrucks tegen hun grenzen lopen. Het spectrum aan oplossingen omvat drie verschillende reachtrucks. De NEXX meerweg-reachtruck, de vierweg-reachtruck en de tweeweg -reachtruck.
Alle oplossingen onderscheiden zich door hun compacte afmetingen, hoge wendbaarheid en hoge hefcapaciteiten. Vooral de reachtrucks met vierweg- of meerwegbesturing zijn bijzonder geschikt voor behoeften waarbij het transport van lange lasten op een beperkte ruimte nodig is.

Reach truck transports metal parts

Optimale oplossing voor elke toepassing

Het maakt niet uit of er zeer zware lasten op een kleine ruimte moeten worden getransporteerd of een zeer hoge wendbaarheid is vereist. Wij kunnen u de juiste oplossing bieden. Onze versie voor zware lasten van de reachtruck kan tot 6 ton transporteren en de NEXX reachtruck is uitgerust met een meerwegbesturing die hem zeer wendbaar maakt. Weinig ruimte is daarom geen probleem.


de passende oplossing voor uw eisen
Onze reachtrucks met elektrische aandrijving kunnen in drie  productgroepen worden verdeeld.

NEXX meerweg-reachtruck 

Hefcapaciteiten tot 3 t | Hefhoogtes tot 9000 mm

De NEXX meerweg-reachtruck is bijzonder geschikt voor toepassingen in magazijnen waarin traditionele heftrucks tegen hun grenzen lopen. Door de 360° HX-besturing kunnen lasten met een lengte tot 8 meter ruimtebesparend worden getransporteerd. Bovendien maakt de besturing een snelle wisseling van rijrichting mogelijk en zorgt zo voor een efficiënt en veilig rijgedrag van de trucks.

Mehrwege Schubmaststapler steht vor Tor
The reach trucks have been designed for indoor use and outdoor use.



Hefcapaciteiten tot 6 t | Hefhoogtes tot 13000 mm

Als de gebruiksomstandigheden zeer uitdagend zijn, komt deze tweeweg-reachtruck van pas. Hij kan lasten tot 6 ton transporteren en heeft daarbij compacte afmetingen. Waar traditionele reachtrucks tegen hun grenzen lopen, kan deze reachtruck worden ingezet.


vaak gestelde vragen

Hier vindt u antwoorden op de meest gestelde vragen 

How does the HUBTEX reach truck differ from serially produced reach trucks?

The vehicles are particularly suitable for companies where the transport requirements increase due to particularly heavy and bulky loads. Conventional reach trucks quickly reach their limits with high payloads of more than 6,600 lbs. The HUBTEX reach trucks have the same dimensions as mass-produced reach trucks - but at the same time offer a significantly higher load capacity with particularly large load centres. The compact reach truck from HUBTEX is the right solution, especially for companies where the material flow has to be reorganized in confined spaces. This is because the trucks can also be used with constant working aisle widths. HUBTEX has equipped the reach trucks with an energy-efficient control system of the latest generation, which enables the truck to achieve maximum handling performance with its particularly long battery life.

Does HUBTEX also sell reach trucks for special purposes, such as heavy-duty electric reach trucks or multidirectional heavy-duty electric reach trucks?

As it happens, this is precisely HUBTEX’s strength and core area of expertise. With our reach trucks, we offer users load capacities of up to 6 t – while keeping dimensions as small as possible. The vehicles are ideal for companies that are facing ever-tougher transportation requirements due to particularly heavy and bulky loads while also having to reorganize their material flows in a tight space. As well as the compact SQ series, we also have a heavy-duty version of our reach trucks. Needless to say, this is also available with multidirectional steering.

Stacking cheeses with the aid of the HUBTEX multidirectional sideloader

All HUBTEX multidirectional sideloaders can be individually adapted to customer wishes, such as here in cheese manufacture.

HUBTEX stacker in use at Continental Brazil

HUBTEX has the right vehicle for every application – such as here at Continental in Brazil.

Reach truck handling plastic

Reach trucks with small turning radii and small vehicle dimensions also score well in the plastics industry.

HUBTEX reach truck operating in the tire industry

HUBTEX reach trucks can be used to transport a wide variety of tools in the tire industry.

Can HUBTEX reach trucks be adapted to the specific requirements of the customer via options?

Thanks to the modular system with its many options, the forklifts can already be adapted to most of our customers' needs. If no suitable solution can be found, we are even able to produce one-offs for our customers due to our individual production possibilities. In this case, we integrate our development into the concept and offer phase and plan an individual vehicle concept that is perfectly tailored to the respective application.

To what extent are your reach trucks integrated in Industry 4.0 environments, what tasks do the trucks handle automatically there and where do they reach their limits?

Our reach trucks are always interesting when mass-produced reach trucks reach their limits. These are usually special applications where compact vehicle dimensions and particularly high load capacities are required at the same time. In the overall market, our reach trucks are therefore more of a niche product. Accordingly, it is rare for customers to ask us for fully automated reach trucks. Nevertheless, we have been working for years on the further development of our extensive range of assistance systems, with which we are also advancing the subject of automation. This means that we can use all our industry 4.0-compatible solutions in the vehicles via the HUBTEX Information Terminal (HIT 3).

Kabine des NexX Mehrwegestaplers

What developments do you expect in the short and medium term for reach trucks?

An ongoing issue for all manufacturers is the energy efficiency of vehicles. In the coming years, higher engine and battery system performance capacities will be in particular demand here. This makes investment in vehicles with lithium-ion batteries interesting for applications with a medium number of operating hours.
Another trend is that the boundaries between vehicles and peripheral systems such as warehouse management are becoming increasingly blurred with the possibilities offered by the Internet of Things. Already today, intelligent operating units, such as the HUBTEX Information Terminal, can generate countless advantages.