Personenschutzkamera mit künstlicher Intelligenz
Bildschirm für Kamerasystem an Gabelstapler
Kamera auf Aggregat
Kamera am Hubmast
Personenschutzkamera mit künstlicher Intelligenz
Bildschirm für Kamerasystem an Gabelstapler
Kamera auf Aggregat
Kamera am Hubmast


HUBTEX camera systems
for safe and damage-free handling of long loads

  • Icon Lasten Gewichtdifferent
  • Stapler transportiert BaustoffeAvoid damage
  • 360 ° MehrwegelenkungNEW: AI personal protection camera 

Cameras do valuable work in many industries. They increase safety, improve visibility during storage, and optimize lift truck utilization. The range includes robust and compact cameras and displays, a variety of special cables, and connectors that ensure smooth and permanent image transmission. They can be mounted on the forks, the fork carriage, the cabin, the lift mast, or the hydraulic unit.

Maximize safety

Cameras at various positions provide the user with optimum visibility. In particular, the directions of travel that are difficult to see
A (front side) and D (battery side) can be covered. The risk of damage and personal injury is significantly minimized.

Various configuration options for your application

Users always face the same problem when stacking and retrieving at height: The rack compartment is not visible and damage to the rack and loads is hard to avoid. Various camera positions support the user in this task.

  • The fork carriage camera offers a view of the entire rack compartment.
  • The fork camera enables the best pick-up point to be precisely located. LED lighting is installed here as standard.
  • The lift mast camera provides a perfect overview of the fork carriage and the rack compartment at any lift height.
  • A camera on the hydraulic unit, such as the new AI personal protection camera


Camera details

  • Fork camera 50°
  • Standard camera 130°
  • AI camera with person recognition 140°
  • Night vision: Automatic switching in darkness, visibility range with infrared between 3 and 5 m


AI personal protection camera

The AI personal protection camera can be used to cover the direction of travel A which is more difficult to see. The camera is mounted on the hydraulic unit for this purpose. 
The driver sees the camera image on the screen, which is supplemented by an overlay. The overlay shows various warning zones. Everything is still safe in the green zone, an initial warning appears in the orange zone, and the person is too close to the vehicle in the red zone. 
The driver is warned by signals on the screen and acoustic signals if a person enters the areas. The system recognizes people in advance and tracks them automatically. They are labeled in the image. 
Important: The multidirectional forklift does not stop automatically. The system is an assistance system and not a safety system.

Important questions

Can cameras be retrofitted?

Yes, the camera system can be retrofitted. It doesn’t matter whether old systems are to be replaced or the system has to be completely reinstalled. 
Please contact our service team for retrofitting. 

Request a retrofit

How do the cameras behave in the dark?

The cameras are equipped with automatic infrared night vision. The range is 3 to 5 meters. This is enough to be able to see the most important areas around the truck or during stacking and retrieval. The spotlights on the truck provide additional support in poor lighting conditions. 

Request a free consultation

Would you like to find out more? Our experts will work with you to see which configuration makes the most sense for you. 

Application examples

Kamera auf Staplerkabine
Verschiedene KAmeras sind am Stapler angebracht
Eine Kamera zwischen den Gabeln am Gabelträger
Eine Kamera am Hubmast mit Blick auf den Bereich zwischen und vor den Radarmen