
Transport solutions for Military

We have been a reliable supplier to defence forces at national and international level (including Germany, the USA and UK) for over 30 years and have established a reputation for quality and innovation. Industrial trucks from HUBTEX specialize in the handling of long, bulky and heavy loads. We offer handling solutions for the entire logistics chain in the military. Our technologies include methods for the safe handling of ammunition transport (guided missiles, torpedoes), weapon systems and general warehouse logistics for the armed forces and industrial manufacturers. In addition, we offer specialized vehicles for the air force, including all-terrain towing vehicles and systems for aircraft production and maintenance.

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Well-known companies in the defense industry are among the users of our systems. Our vehicles are designed for the toughest conditions and are characterized by impressive robustness. Manufactured from high-quality materials, they offer a long service life and can easily withstand extreme loads. Safety is our top priority. That is why we offer optional explosion protection in accordance with the ATEX directive. In addition, our vehicles are suitable for air transport. HUBTEX industrial trucks guarantee full compliance with all documentation and certification requirements, thus ensuring maximum safety and reliability in use.

HUBTEX handling solutions 
qualified for the realization of military projects

Mehrwege-Seitenstapler für das Handling von Schwergewichtstorpedos und Raketen

Welding and materials technology

  • High-quality welding and materials technology for military applications.
  • DIN 2303 Q1 and Q2 certification for safety-critical components
  • Use of military-specific materials
  • Strict testing procedures for corrosion protection, coatings and resilience

Explosion protection (Ex-protection)

  • Safe technology for explosion-prone areas.
  • Compliance with ATEX standards for explosion protection
  • Safe electrical and mechanical constructions for hazardous areas
  • Protection against sparking, static charge and overheating
Schwerlast Kompaktstapler Roxx tansportiert schwere Lasten im militärischen Bereich

Quality management & traceability

  • Maximum safety through certified processes and seamless documentation.
  • ISO 9001 as well as specific aerospace
  • Detailed component traceability and test reports
  • Technical documentation
HUBTEX Mehrwegestapler verlädt Torpedos auf einen LKW

Electronics & Control

  • Robust and protected electronics for military systems.
  • EMC protection for electromagnetic compatibility
  • Resistance to shock, vibration and extreme temperatures
  • Cybersecurity and encryption technologies for secure communication

Fields of activity

Hybrid sideloaders for transporting torpedoes and guided missiles
HUBTEX Mehrwegestapler verlädt Torpedos auf einen LKW
HUBTEX Mehrwegestapler lädt Torpedos auf einen LKW
HUBTEX Mehrwegestapler transportiert Torpedos

The HUBTEX multidirectional sideloaders are special vehicles for depots, warehouses, halls and factory buildings for transporting long loads (e.g. load carriers with torpedoes or guided missiles). With their HYBRID technology, they have both a combustion engine drive for outdoor use and an electric drive for indoor use. This combines the advantages of high performance and range with a reduction in CO2 emissions. At the same time, it ensures that ammunition safety is guaranteed and that occupational safety regulations are complied with.

Thanks to its large elastic tyres, the HUBTEX multidirectional sideloader is ideal for indoor and outdoor use on uneven ground and guarantees efficiency and high performance despite its low height, making it particularly suitable for bunker facilities with often low door heights.
Another technical advantage is that the batteries for the electric motors can be charged while driving with the diesel engine. Our technology guarantees high operational readiness.


ROXX heavy-duty compact forklift
Schwerlast Kompaktstapler Roxx im militärischen Bereich
Schwerlast Kompaktstapler Roxx tansportiert schwere Lasten im militärischen Bereich

The ROXX heavy-duty compact forklift truck is the ideal solution for applications in a military environment. Its robust design guarantees high quality and durability, making it a reliable partner for the defence forces worldwide.

In the military sector, heavy-duty forklifts are used to move particularly heavy and bulky goods. These include large types of ammunition, such as artillery shells and rockets, as well as armour and vehicle components (e.g. engines, chains). Aircraft parts, such as rotors and wings, and heavy communications or radar equipment are also included. Other loads comprise containers for equipment and catering, mobile generators and infrastructure such as concrete protective walls. These goods require forklifts with high load capacity, precision and manoeuvrability in order to transport them safely and meet the special requirements of the military. Thanks to its compact design—up to 25% narrower and 20% shorter than standard heavy-duty forklifts—and a patented single-wheel steering system that reduces the turning circle by up to 50%, the ROXX can manoeuvre effectively in confined spaces such as military depots, warehouses and maintenance facilities.


Designed for combined indoor and outdoor use, it offers the flexibility needed to meet a range of logistical challenges. Its high operational readiness and easy maintenance ensure maximum reliability in crucial situations. As an option, the ROXX can be equipped with explosion protection in accordance with the ATEX directive to allow it to operate safely in hazardous areas. 

Systems for aircraft maintenance in the air force
Flugzeugwartung am Triebwerk mit Stapler
Boom Lift für die Flugzeugwartung

HUBTEX industrial trucks are specially designed to meet the requirements of aircraft maintenance in the air force, army and naval aviation. They offer customised solutions, including mobile work platforms, telescopic platforms and handling equipment based on our multidirectional forklifts. A key feature of these vehicles is their high manoeuvrability in confined spaces, which is ensured by the omnidirectional steering system.

In addition, the vehicles are characterised by numerous customisation options that enable seamless integration into the respective military logistics or production process. The intelligent use of collision protection systems is particularly important in order to avoid contact with the aircraft at all costs and still work close to the aircraft. HUBTEX offers a wide range of equipment features and sensor systems for this purpose.

Hubtex industrial trucks, work platforms and telescopic platforms are used by well-known manufacturers and airlines for maintenance.

The perfect vehicle for your application

We offer transport solutions for the entire military logistics chain. Our product expert Christian Gärtner will be happy to advise you regarding the right vehicle for your application.

Multidirectional forklift for the German army 
for transporting torpedoes and guided missiles

HUBTEX handling solutions along the military logistics chain


Sondergabelzinken zur Aufnahme von Schwergewichtstorpedos.

Mehrwege-Seitenstapler für das Handling von Schwergewichtstorpedos und Raketen
Mehrwege-Seitenstapler für das Handling von Schwergewichtstorpedos und Raketen
Mehrwege-Seitenstapler für das Handling von Schwergewichtstorpedos und Raketen
HUBTEX Mehrwegestapler verlädt Torpedos auf einen LKW
HUBTEX Mehrwegestapler transportiert Torpedos
Schwerlast Kompaktstapler Roxx tansportiert schwere Lasten im militärischen Bereich
Flugzeugwartung am Triebwerk mit Stapler
Boom Lift für die Flugzeugwartung