Electronic load Capacity chart
How to lift loads safely using a forklift truck
Previously, the driver was solely responsible for determining the maximum lift height of the truck, depending on the load picked up on the fork carriages. Now, however, the driver will be supported by an assistance system to ensure safe transport at all lift heights. The electronic load chart determines the load and lift height using sensor data. The electronic load chart feature also calculates the load center and the permissible maximum lift height and initiates appropriate measures such as stopping the lift if the limit is exceeded.
Which parameters are essential for the load chart to function?
As the lift height and load center distance of the truck increases, the basic load capacity is reduced. Therefore, forklift drivers must always take residual capacity into consideration. This is where the new electronic load capacity chart can help. The sensors on the assistance system record the truck's fork carrier tilt, center of gravity, load weight and lift height. The operating display on the truck then shows the driver how high the goods can be lifted. If the permissible lift height or other parameter limits are exceeded, the display indicates an overload. The truck also initiates corresponding overload functions depending on the configuration, for example the lifting process stops automatically, the symbol on the display turns red and a warning signal sounds. If the display remains green, the goods can be safely lifted to the maximum height. The relationship between the load characteristic, load center and load weight determines whether the load and lift height status are correct. These factors influence the value and trigger the HUBTEX system.

The electronic load chart shows the weight of the load, the current lift height and the maximum lift height.
The electronic load capacity chart is a useful tool
Please note: The HUBTEX electronic load capacity chart is merely an assistance system and is, of course, no substitute for a weighing system that measures the weight of the goods, or a self-contained safety system. The driver is responsible for complying with the technical limits of the load chart in the cab at all times. However, the electronic load chart acts as an additional monitoring feature, supporting the driver and thus ensuring greater safety in everyday operation.
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