Nuestros empleados del servicio técnico de HUBTEX estarán encantados de ayudarle

Su solicitud - nuestra solución

Las personas de contacto de HUBTEX

Tanto si se trata de servicio, marketing, compras o ventas, aquí encontrará la persona de contacto adecuada para su consulta. Estaremos encantados de asesorarle y desarrollar juntos una solución adecuada para su reto!

Sus interlocutores de Hubtex en España

Director Comercial Hubtex Solutions Spain


Jose Antonio Augusto

Director comercial

Fone:     +34 677 98 40 48
E-mail:  [email protected]

Aitor Rodriguez


Aitor Rodriguez


Fone:     +34 677 98 53 77
E-mail:  [email protected]

HUBTEX Ventas Juan Cantalejo


Juan Cantalejo

Country Manager

Fone:     +49 (0)661-8382-217
E-mail:  [email protected]

Sus interlocutores de Hubtex en Alemania

Sales Lars Beuel
Lars Beuel
General Sales Management, DACH, AUSTRALIA

[email protected]
+49 661 8382223

Michael Schanz
Michael Schanz
Bereichsleitung Auftrags- und Produktionszentrum

[email protected]
+49 661 8382662

Retrato Olaf Lenker
Olaf Lenker
Jefe de Compras Centrales

[email protected]
+49 661 8382332

Tom De Paep
Tom De Paep
General Manager

[email protected]
+32 3 294 40 80

Bruce Peatman_Hubtex Australia
Bruce Peatman
General Manager

[email protected]
+61 2 9627 4866

HUBTEX Nederland Gertjan van Beek
Gertjan van Beek
Sales Manager

[email protected]
+31 318 253 470

HUBTEX UK Paul McNally
Paul McNally
Managing Director

[email protected]
+44 1908 211161

Thorsten Frank
Thorsten Frank
Divisional Management Service

[email protected]
+49 661 8382458

Carolin Schmitz
Carolin Schmitz
Personalabteilung / Administration

[email protected]
+49 661 8382252

Cordula Spiegel
Cordula Spiegel
Personalabteilung / Administration

[email protected]
+49 661 8382241

Simone Kern
Simone Kern
Personalabteilung / Administration

[email protected]
+49 661 8382253

Mr. Tomás Mack

[email protected]
+420 737 614 704

Mr. Bruno Zietemann

[email protected]
+55 11 5533-7032

Mr. Dariusz Molodecki
General Manager

[email protected]
+48 500 171 651

Aitor Rodriguez
Aitor Rodriguez

[email protected]
+34 677 98 53 77

Thomas Schmitt
Thomas Schmitt

[email protected]
+49 661 8382221

HUBTEX Ventas Juan Cantalejo
Juan Cantalejo

[email protected]
+49 661 8382217

HUBTEX Stefan Krassnig
Stefan Krassnig

[email protected]
+43 699 17235650

Ventas de HUBTEX Steffen Köhler
Steffen Köhler
Sales INDIA, ISRAEL and AE / Support new devices

[email protected]
+49 661 8382229

Fabian Will
Fabian Will
Ventas MÉXICO, SUDAMÉRICA, CENTROAMÉRICA / Asistencia Carretillas Nuevas

[email protected]
+49 661 8382215

Ventas de HUBTEX Stephan Rückert
Stephan Rückert
Sales Material Handling/Heavy-duty worldwide

[email protected]
+49 160 7158145

Daniel Stuber
Director Switzerland

[email protected]
+41 31 910 30 40

Vertriebsassistenz Jutta Hübner
Jutta Hübner
Sales Assistance DE, DK, FI, UK, NO, SE and PL

[email protected]
+49 661 8382222

Laura Orf
Laura Orf

[email protected]
+49 661 8382214

Astrid Kenner
Astrid Kenner
Sales Assistance AT, AU and used equipment

[email protected]
+49 661 8382224

Sophia Walter
Sophia Blum
Sales Assistance BE, ES, LU, NL and USA

[email protected]
+49 661 8382234

Svenja Keller
Svenja Keller
Vertriebsassistenz FR IT DE und CH

[email protected]
+49 661 8382254

Kevin Dietrich
Kevin Dietrich
Team Leader Operational Planning & Technical Support / Trainer

[email protected]
+49 661 8382452

marius vey hubtex service
Marius Vey
Group Manager Spare Parts

[email protected]
+49 661 8382472

Peter Schönfeld
Peter Schönfeld
Technischer Support/ Einsatzplanung

[email protected]
+49 661 8382476

Servicio HUBTEX Victoria Balzer
Viktoria Balzer
Business Development Manager After Sales

[email protected]
+49 661 8382449

Portraitbild Otto Nüchter
Otto Nüchter
Soporte Técnico

[email protected]
+49 661 8382574

Marco Weber
Marco Weber
Serviceberater Ersatzteilverkauf

[email protected]
+49 661 8382457

Servicio HUBTEX Barbara Wagner
Barbara Wagner
Serviceberaterin Ersatzteilverkauf

[email protected]
+49 661 8382453

Servicio HUBTEX Werner Schmitt
Werner Schmitt
Serviceberater Ersatzteilverkauf

[email protected]
+49 661 8382456

Hubtex Andreas
Andreas Seng
Serviceberater Ersatzteilverkauf

[email protected]
+49 661 8382447

Jonas Ruppert
Serviceberater Ersatzteilverkauf / Retourenmanagement

[email protected]
+49 661 8382454

Servicio HUBTEX Katrin Schmitt
Katrin Schmitt
Invoice management

[email protected]
+49 661 8382473

El consultor de servicio Jens Helme
Jens Helmke
Complaint management Garantieabwicklung

[email protected]
+49 661 8382451

Christian Schickling - Serviceberater
Christian Schickling
Technischer Support/ Trainer

[email protected]
+49 661 8382477

Nils Kirschstein
Nils Kirschstein
Soporte Técnico

[email protected]
+49 661 8382448

Planificación del proyecto HUBTEX Elmar Krenzer
Elmar Krenzer
Soporte Técnico

[email protected]
+49 661 8382216

Servicio HUBTEX Tobias Schmoll
Tobias Schmoll
Soporte Técnico de Ventas

[email protected]
+49 661 8382225

Planificación del proyecto HUBTEX Joachim Stanetzky
Joachim Stanetzky
Gestión de Proyectos

[email protected]
+49 661 8382210

Planificación del proyecto HUBTEX Frank Knurr
Frank Knurr
Ingeniero de Ventas

[email protected]
+49 5373 9811525

John Radcliffe
Business Development Manager - Midlands

[email protected]
+44 7955 279894

Dean Gallagher
Head of Technical

[email protected]
+44 1908 211161

Lois Davies
Customer Service and Parts Administrator

[email protected]
+44 1908 211161

HUBTEX Nederland Richard de Man
Richard de Man
Sales Manager

[email protected]
+31 318 253 470

HUBTEX Nederland Ellen Westerveld
Ellen Westerveld
Verkoop binnendienst

[email protected]
+31 318 253 470

HUBTEX Nederland Mark Boonzaaijer
Mark Boonzaaijer
Service and Parts

[email protected]
+31 318 253 470

HUBTEX Nederland Joke Tahamata
Joke Tahamata
Financiële administratie

[email protected]
+31 318 253 470

HUBTEX Francia Julie Cante
Julie Cante
After Sales Administrator

[email protected]
+33 4 37 49 71 63

HUBTEX Francia Jérémy Muguet
Jérémy Muguet
Technical Manager

[email protected]
+33 4 37 49 71 66

Isabelle Boissy
Responsable Comptabilité & Administration

[email protected]
+33 4 37 49 71 64

HUBTEX Bélgica Kristin Gretzschel
Kristin Gretzschel
Servicio & Piezas de repuesto

[email protected]
+32 3 294 40 80

Sebastian Vey
Deputy Head of Purchasing

[email protected]
+49 661 8382637

Markus Schott
Einkäufer für Batterien und Ladegeräte

[email protected]
+49 661 8382331

Melanie Geiling
Melanie Geiling
Purchasing and certificates for special projects

[email protected]
+49 661 8382335

Sebastian Goldbach
External production special projects

[email protected]
+49 661 8382334

Selina Goldbach
Selina Goldbach
Forged parts, cabin interior and occupational safety

[email protected]
+49 661 8382367

Daniel Penner Hubtex
Daniel Penner
Steel construction, mech. processing, wheels and castors

[email protected]
+49 661 8382337

Dennis Rüb
Dennis Rüb
Electric and electronics

[email protected]
+49 661 8382632

Marius Heil
Marius Heil
Einkäufer für Hydraulik- Komponenten

[email protected]
+49 661 8382631

Porträt Luisa Schad
Luisa Schad
Rolling bearings and packaging

[email protected]
+49 661 8382682

Porträt Atilla Özer
Atilla Özer
flame-cut parts, raw material, standard + German regulation (DIN) parts and tools

[email protected]
+49 661 8382620

Marion Trabert
Marion Trabert

[email protected]
+49 661 8382368

Christine Faulstich
Christine Grösch
CRM Administratorin

[email protected]
+49 661 8382236

Sysèl Weber
Sysèl Weber
Gesundheitsmanagement & Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement

[email protected]
+49 661 8382239

Assistant SAV & Magasinier

[email protected]
+33 4 37 49 66 97

Danny Packard
Parts Manager

[email protected]
+1 540-735-1752

Ibrahim Büyükcinar Hubtex Turkey
Mr. Ibrahim Ali Büyükcinar
General Manager

[email protected]
+90 212 671 78 77

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